Saturday 21 May 2016

Gadget or life saver

My cousin just told me that her saving grace is the baby shusher. A gift she got that she thought was a gag gift but turned out to be the best thing. I looked it up. has it but apparently some Canadian Tire stores do as well!  We are going for a car ride. Price point 30-50.00 plus shipping if you order from I want to try this gadget!!!!

Ok I bought it and now to see if it works. It says birth to 4 months is best.
Alpha mom. Com and look up Sleep regression is a link I just read and like. I think I am entering this 4 month regression.  I also think with my nap and 3/4 hr routine that it helps us with what's to come.
I was just talking to a friend and it made me realize this really is a good thing to talk about. I feel reassured in my plan to blog.
It sure is better use of my time in the chair than online shopping.  Now I will tell you avoid that if you can while spending time in 'the chair' as it is very addicting!
New sunglasses are always helpful for that walk or daily outing.
Speaking of outings,  it is so nice getting organized to do something knowing we have a routine. I know when he needs to eat approximately and that helps shape my day. That said, a routine that rotates between 3 and 4 hours is hard if you are in a chair for 2 hours.
At the beginning of my plans for routine my son resisted the routine and night time was affected as well.  Now on most occasions night time we wake 3 times but the last few nights have been more frequent.  I am not sure if it is age 4 months next week, or if it is something I am doing. It is all a guessing game. I do however believe it will get better. I do think things come and go in waves. I know my son is trying to communicate when he rubs his eyes vigorously and I know with time it will get easier.
In this process of eat, wake (activity time), sleep I am learning a great deal about infants.  They need sleep and will communicate that in whatever way they can...even when they resist you.
It is hard and I know I have made that clear by publishing a blog called "the chair", but it is all worth it. It is always worth it. Every single piece of this new world called parenting is worth it!

My life in the rocker...

I have been thinking for some time that I can't just sit here alone for hours on end...maybe there are other mother's feeling the same. That's when I thought a blog about my time in the chair and my thoughts from the chair would be a relief.
It has been going on for 4 weeks now... I have a precious life sleeping on my shoulder for 6-7 hours a day. I am in the nursery chair as this is the only place I feel I can be without waking him. We used to be able to go to the family room and be interactive. Now when I try that he wakes up. My amazing son is not a sleeper as my family doctor would put it bluntly.  We want a routine and we have established a routine. I have tried to avoid props but in doing so, I have become the prop :-(
I know it won't last forever, but each time I try to put him down he wakes. At night he wakes as well... he is predictable during the day and 3 or 4 naps are usually a successful venture. The issue is I am confined to the chair (the comfortable and fancy rocker /recliner). The chair my husband didn't think we needed but man oh man did we (do we) need.
I wonder does anyone else feel stuck? I love my time with my son, but in a chair where I can't nap, prepare food, have a shower, do laundry,etc. .. is a challenge.  I try to enjoy every minute and every moment, but I need to be able to put him down when he is sleeping.